The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)

The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) is one of the five principles of object-oriented programming known as SOLID. It was introduced by Barbara Liskov in a 1987 paper and states that objects of a superclass should be able to be replaced with objects of a subclass without affecting the correctness of the program.

In other words, if a program is using a base class, it should be able to work with any of its derived classes without knowing it, as long as the derived class adheres to the same behavior as the base class. This allows for greater flexibility and code reusability.

Latte-rally Breaking the Rules

Imagine an advanced coffee machine that can brew different types of coffee like espresso, latte and ristretto. The coffe machine supposed to be extensible, so that new types of coffee can be added in the future. The algorithm also aims to brew coffee with extra strength and foam for espresso and latte.

The code could be like that :

class CoffeeMachine {
    public void BrewEspresso() { /* brews an espresso */ }
    public void BrewLatte() { /* brews a latte */ }

class AdvancedCoffeeMachine : CoffeeMachine {
    public void BrewEspresso() { /* brews an espresso with extra strength */ }
    public void BrewLatte() { /* brews a latte with extra foam */ }
    public void BrewRistretto() { /* brews a ristretto */ }

In this example, the AdvancedCoffeeMachine class is a subclass of CoffeeMachine that has some additional functionality, like brewing Ristretto. However, the BrewEspresso and BrewLatte methods have different behavior in the subclass than they do in the superclass. This means that if a program is written to work with a CoffeeMachine object, it may not work correctly when passed an AdvancedCoffeeMachine object, because the behavior of the BrewEspresso and BrewLatte methods has changed.

This is a violation of the Liskov Substitution Principle, because the AdvancedCoffeeMachine class is not a true substitute for the CoffeeMachine class. This can lead to bugs and unexpected behavior in the program when trying to use the AdvancedCoffeeMachine class as a substitute for the CoffeeMachine.

In this algorithm we want to create a AdvancedCoffeeMachine class that add new functionalities of brewing Ristretto and extra strength and foam for espresso and latte. However, that should be done without changing the behavior of the existing methods inherited from the CoffeeMachine class.

Liskov-ing Your Coffee Fix

To respect the Liskov Substitution Principle with the same algorithm in C#, the AdvancedCoffeeMachine class could be designed to add new methods for the additional functionality, rather than changing the behavior of existing methods inherited from the CoffeeMachine class.

Here is an example:

abstract class CoffeeMachine {
    public abstract void BrewCoffee();

class EspressoMachine : CoffeeMachine {
    public override void BrewCoffee() { /* brews an espresso */ }
    public void BrewEspressoExtraStrength() { /* brews an extra strength espresso */ }

class LatteMachine : CoffeeMachine {
    public override void BrewCoffee() { /* brews a latte */ }
    public void BrewLatteExtraFoam() { /* brews a latte with extra foam */ }

class AdvancedCoffeeMachine : CoffeeMachine {
    public override void BrewCoffee() { /* brews an espresso with extra strength */ }
    public void BrewRistretto() { /* brews a ristretto */ }

In this example, the CoffeeMachine class is an abstract class with a single abstract method BrewCoffee. The EspressoMachine and LatteMachine classes are derived from the CoffeeMachine class and they both override the BrewCoffee method. They also have new methods for extra strength and extra foam. The AdvancedCoffeeMachine class is also derived from the CoffeeMachine class and it also overrides the BrewCoffee method. It also has a new method for brewing Ristretto.

Now, any object of the AdvancedCoffeeMachine class can be used in place of an object of the CoffeeMachine class without affecting the correctness of the program because it has the same behavior as the base class, but also has new methods for additional functionalities.

In this way, the Liskov Substitution Principle is respected, and the algorithm is more flexible and extensible.


In conclusion, the Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) is an important principle of object-oriented programming that states that objects of a superclass should be able to be replaced with objects of a subclass without affecting the correctness of the program.

When creating a coffee machine algorithm in C#, it’s important to adhere to the LSP by designing the AdvancedCoffeeMachine class to add new methods for additional functionality, rather than changing the behavior of existing methods inherited from the CoffeeMachine class.

This way, the program can use the AdvancedCoffeeMachine class as a substitute for the CoffeeMachine class without causing any bugs or unexpected behavior. By following the LSP, we ensure that the algorithm is more flexible, extensible and robust, and also it’s more fun to read and understand.