Retry and Deadletter in Event-Driven Architecture with Azure Service Bus

Event-driven architecture is a popular architectural style for building distributed systems that rely on asynchronous messaging between different components. In event-driven systems, messages are passed between different components asynchronously, and failures can occur at any point in the process. Retry and dead letter are two important mechanisms that help ensure that messages are processed successfully, even in the presence of temporary failures.


Retry is a mechanism that enables the system to automatically reprocess failed messages after a certain amount of time has elapsed.

It can be useful in scenarios where a message fails to be processed successfully due to a temporary issue, such as an unresponsive downstream service or invalid data in the message.

By retrying failed messages, the system can increase the chances that the message will eventually be processed successfully.

Azure Service Bus provides built-in support for retry, making it easy to configure the retry policy for your queues and topics. When creating a queue or topic, you can specify the maximum number of times a message can be retried and the delay between retries.

For example, you can configure the retry policy to retry a message up to 5 times with a delay of 1 minute between retries.

Dead letter Queue (DLQ)

Dead letter is a mechanism that allows messages that cannot be processed successfully after a certain number of retries to be moved to a designated storage area for further analysis.

The storage area is called a dead letter queue, and it is used to store messages that have failed processing despite several retries.

For example, let’s say a financial institution is using Azure Service Bus to process stock trading messages.

If a message fails to be processed after several retries, it can be moved to a dead letter queue for further analysis.

The dead letter queue can then be monitored and analyzed to identify the cause of the failure and take appropriate action to fix the issue.

Implementation using Azure Service Bus

Azure Service Bus provides built-in support for retry and dead letter.

To enable retry, you can configure the retry policy when creating the queue or topic.

The retry policy specifies the maximum number of times a message can be retried and the time delay between retries.

For dead letter side, you can configure the queue or topic to have a separate dead letter queue. Messages that fail processing after the maximum number of retries are automatically moved to the dead letter queue.

For example, to create a queue with retry and dead letter using Azure Service Bus, you can use the following code:

var connectionString = "your_connection_string";
var queueName = "your_queue_name";

var queueClient = new QueueClient(connectionString, queueName);

var options = new MessageHandlerOptions(ExceptionReceivedHandler)
    MaxConcurrentCalls = 1,
    AutoComplete = false,
    MaxAutoRenewDuration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)

queueClient.RegisterMessageHandler(ProcessMessageAsync, options);

// Configure retry and deadletter
var description = new QueueDescription(queueName)
    // Set the maximum number of retries to 5 and the delay between retries to 1 minute
    RetryPolicy = new RetryExponential(
    // Enable deadletter with a separate deadletter queue
    EnableDeadLetteringOnMessageExpiration = true,
    DeadLetteringOnMessageExpiration = true,
    DeadLetterQueueName = $"{queueName}/$DeadLetterQueue"

await queueClient.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(description);

async Task ProcessMessageAsync(Message message, CancellationToken token)
    // Process the message
    // ...

    // Mark the message as completed if it is successfully processed
    await queueClient.CompleteAsync(message.SystemProperties.LockToken);

Task ExceptionReceivedHandler(ExceptionReceivedEventArgs args)
    // Handle exceptions
    // ...

    return Task.CompletedTask;

In this example, the queue client is configured to use a retry policy with a maximum of 5 retries with a delay of 1 minute between retries. If a message fails to be processed after the maximum number of retries, it is automatically moved to the dead letter queue with the name your_queue_name/$DeadLetterQueue.

The ProcessMessageAsync method is called for each message received by the queue client. If the message is processed successfully, it is marked as completed using the CompleteAsync method. If an exception occurs during processing, the ExceptionReceivedHandler method is called to handle the exception.

In this example, the ProcessMessageAsync method and the ExceptionReceivedHandler method are implemented as asynchronous methods to ensure that they do not block the thread while waiting for I/O operations to complete.


To summarize, retry and dead letter are important mechanisms in event-driven architecture to handle messages that fail to be processed successfully. Azure Service Bus provides built-in support for retry and dead letter, making it easy to implement them in your event-driven system. By configuring retry and dead letter, you can increase the reliability and fault tolerance of your event-driven system and ensure that messages are processed successfully even in the presence of temporary failures.

Une réponse à “Retry and Deadletter in Event-Driven Architecture with Azure Service Bus”

  1. Avatar de Timothy

    Wow. Insightful 💯 Informative and straight to the point. I learned something new.

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