Dependency Injection : Understanding its Usage, Benefits and Implementation

Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern that is widely used in software development to achieve loose coupling between objects. In this article, we will take a look at how Dependency Injection works in C#, its usage and benefits, and how to implement it using different libraries such as Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection, Castle Windsor, and others.

First, let’s understand what Dependency Injection is and how it works. In simple terms, Dependency Injection is a pattern that allows objects to be decoupled from their dependencies. This is done by injecting the dependencies into the objects that need them, instead of hard-coding them into the objects. This allows for more flexible and maintainable code, as objects can be easily swapped out or replaced without affecting the rest of the code.

One of the most common use cases for Dependency Injection is in the creation of objects that require other objects to function. For example, let’s consider a coffee machine that requires a coffee grinder to grind the coffee beans. Instead of hard-coding the coffee grinder into the coffee machine, we can use Dependency Injection to inject the grinder into the coffee machine. This allows us to easily swap out the grinder with a different one, without affecting the rest of the code.

There are several benefits to using Dependency Injection, including:

  1. Loose coupling: By injecting dependencies into objects, we can achieve loose coupling between objects, making the code more flexible and maintainable.
  2. Easier testing: By injecting dependencies into objects, we can easily swap out dependencies with mock objects for testing, making the code more testable.
  3. Better code organization: By keeping dependencies separate from the objects that use them, we can better organize our code, making it easier to understand and maintain.

There are several libraries that can be used to implement Dependency Injection in C#, including IServiceCollection, Castle Windsor, and others. In this article, we will take a look at how to implement Dependency Injection using IServiceCollection and Castle Windsor.

Implementing Dependency Injection with IServiceCollection

IServiceCollection is a built-in library in the .NET Core framework that can be used to implement Dependency Injection. To use IServiceCollection, we need to add it to our project using the following line of code:

using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

Once we have added the library to our project, we can start adding dependencies to our objects. For example, let’s consider a coffee machine that requires a coffee grinder to grind the coffee beans. We can add the coffee grinder as a dependency to the coffee machine using the following code:

services.AddTransient<ICoffeeGrinder, CoffeeGrinder>();

This line of code tells IServiceCollection to add a transient instance of the ICoffeeGrinder interface, which is implemented by the CoffeeGrinder class. We can then inject the coffee grinder into the coffee machine using the following code:

services.AddTransient<ICoffeeMachine, CoffeeMachine>();

This line of code tells IServiceCollection to add a transient instance of the ICoffeeMachine interface, which is implemented by the CoffeeMachine class. We can then use the following code to create an instance of the coffee machine, with the coffee grinder dependency injected:

var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider(); var coffeeMachine = serviceProvider.GetService<ICoffeeMachine>();

Here a complete implementation :

using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var services = new ServiceCollection();

        // Add coffee grinder as a dependency
        services.AddTransient<ICoffeeGrinder, CoffeeGrinder>();

        // Add coffee machine and inject coffee grinder dependency
        services.AddTransient<ICoffeeMachine, CoffeeMachine>();

        var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
        var coffeeMachine = serviceProvider.GetService<ICoffeeMachine>();

        // Use the coffee machine

interface ICoffeeGrinder
    void GrindCoffee();

class CoffeeGrinder : ICoffeeGrinder
    public void GrindCoffee()
        Console.WriteLine("Grinding coffee beans...");

interface ICoffeeMachine
    void MakeCoffee();

class CoffeeMachine : ICoffeeMachine
    private readonly ICoffeeGrinder _coffeeGrinder;

    public CoffeeMachine(ICoffeeGrinder coffeeGrinder)
        _coffeeGrinder = coffeeGrinder;

    public void MakeCoffee()
        Console.WriteLine("Making coffee...");

Implementing Dependency Injection with Castle Windsor

Another popular library for implementing Dependency Injection in C# is Castle Windsor. To use Castle Windsor, we need to add it to our project using the following line of code:

using Castle.Windsor;

Once we have added the library to our project, we can start adding dependencies to our objects. For example, let’s consider a coffee machine that requires a coffee grinder to grind the coffee beans. We can add the coffee grinder as a dependency to the coffee machine using the following code:


This line of code tells Castle Windsor to register the ICoffeeGrinder interface, which is implemented by the CoffeeGrinder class. We can then inject the coffee grinder into the coffee machine using the following code:

container.Register(Component.For<ICoffeeMachine>().ImplementedBy<CoffeeMachine>().DependsOn(Dependency.OnComponent<ICoffeeGrinder, CoffeeGrinder>()));

This line of code tells Castle Windsor to register the ICoffeeMachine interface, which is implemented by the CoffeeMachine class, and to depend on the ICoffeeGrinder interface, which is implemented by the CoffeeGrinder class. We can then use the following code to create an instance of the coffee machine, with the coffee grinder dependency injected:

var coffeeMachine = container.Resolve<ICoffeeMachine>();

Here the complete implementation :

using Castle.MicroKernel.Registration;
using Castle.Windsor;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var container = new WindsorContainer();

        // Add coffee grinder as a dependency

        // Add coffee machine and inject coffee grinder dependency
        container.Register(Component.For<ICoffeeMachine>().ImplementedBy<CoffeeMachine>().DependsOn(Dependency.OnComponent<ICoffeeGrinder, CoffeeGrinder>()));

        var coffeeMachine = container.Resolve<ICoffeeMachine>();

        // Use the coffee machine

interface ICoffeeGrinder
    void GrindCoffee();

class CoffeeGrinder : ICoffeeGrinder
    public void GrindCoffee()
        Console.WriteLine("Grinding coffee beans...");

interface ICoffeeMachine
    void MakeCoffee();

class CoffeeMachine : ICoffeeMachine
    private readonly ICoffeeGrinder _coffeeGrinder;

    public CoffeeMachine(ICoffeeGrinder coffeeGrinder)
        _coffeeGrinder = coffeeGrinder;

    public void MakeCoffee()
        Console.WriteLine("Making coffee...");


In both examples, we have a coffee machine that requires a coffee grinder to function. The coffee grinder is defined as an interface (ICoffeeGrinder) and an implementation (CoffeeGrinder) class. The coffee machine is also defined as an interface (ICoffeeMachine) and an implementation (CoffeeMachine) class, and it takes the coffee grinder as a constructor dependency.

Using IServiceCollection, we add the coffee grinder and the coffee machine to the service collection, and then build a service provider to get an instance of the coffee machine. We can then use the coffee machine to make coffee.

Using Castle Windsor, we register the coffee grinder and the coffee machine to the container, and then resolve an instance of the coffee machine. We can then use the coffee machine to make coffee.

In both cases, the coffee grinder is injected into the coffee machine, allowing for loose coupling between the two classes and making the code more flexible and maintainable. Additionally, we can easily swap out the coffee grinder with a different implementation without affecting the rest of the code.

In conclusion, Dependency Injection is a powerful pattern that allows for more flexible and maintainable code by decoupling objects from their dependencies. There are several libraries available in C#, that can be used to implement Dependency Injection :

  • Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
  • Castle Windsor
  • Autofac
  • Ninject
  • And many others

By understanding how Dependency Injection works, its usage and benefits, and how to implement it using different libraries, developers can create more robust and maintainable code.

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