Hexagonal Architecture

Hexagonal architecture, also known as ports and adapters architecture or onion architecture, is an architectural pattern used in software development that organizes an application into a set of layers, with each layer having a specific responsibility. The layers are arranged in a hexagonal shape, with the core logic of the application at the center and the inputs and outputs of the application at the edges.

At its core, hexagonal architecture is about separating the business logic of the application from the technical details of how it communicates with the outside world. This separation of concerns makes the application more flexible and easier to change over time, because changes to one part of the system are less likely to have unintended consequences for other parts of the system.

The Layers of Hexagonal Architecture

In hexagonal architecture, an application is typically divided into three layers: the domain layer, the application layer, and the infrastructure layer.

Domain Layer

The domain layer is the core of the application, and contains the entities, domain services, and business rules. The domain layer is independent of any external dependencies, such as databases or user interfaces. This is where the core business logic of the application resides.

Application Layer

The application layer contains the use cases and application services, which define the interactions between the domain layer and the outside world. The application layer receives requests from the input ports and sends responses back through the output ports. The application layer is responsible for translating the inputs and outputs of the system into the domain language.

Infrastructure Layer

The infrastructure layer contains the implementation details of the application, such as databases, user interfaces, and external services. The infrastructure layer communicates with the other layers through the interfaces defined in the application and domain layers. This layer is responsible for translating the inputs and outputs of the system into a format that can be understood by the outside world.

Benefits of Hexagonal Architecture

There are several benefits to using hexagonal architecture in a software application:

Separation of Concerns

By separating the business logic from the technical details of how it communicates with the outside world, hexagonal architecture makes it easier to change one part of the system without affecting the others. This makes the system more flexible and easier to maintain over time.


Hexagonal architecture encourages modularity, because the application is divided into a set of layers, each with a specific responsibility. This makes it easier to add or remove functionality from the system without affecting other parts of the system.


Because the application is divided into a set of layers, each with a specific responsibility, it is easier to write automated tests for the system. This makes it easier to ensure that the system is working correctly and communicating with other parts of the system properly.

Implementing Hexagonal Architecture in .NET/C#

In a .NET/C# context, hexagonal architecture can be implemented using a variety of tools and frameworks, such as:

Dependency Injection

Dependency injection is a technique that allows objects to be created and configured dynamically at runtime. This is useful in hexagonal architecture because it allows the different layers of the application to be loosely coupled, making it easier to replace or modify parts of the system without affecting the others.

Domain-Driven Design

Domain-driven design is an approach to software development that emphasizes the importance of the domain layer in the architecture of an application. In a .NET/C# application, domain-driven design can be implemented using frameworks like Entity Framework Core, which provide tools for defining and working with domain entities and value objects.

Test-Driven Development

Test-driven development is a development methodology that emphasizes the importance of automated testing in the

development process. In hexagonal architecture, test-driven development is particularly important because the layers of the application are separated and communicate through defined interfaces. Automated tests can be written for each layer of the application to ensure that the layers are working together properly.

Command/Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)

Command/Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is an architectural pattern that separates the read and write operations of an application. In hexagonal architecture, CQRS can be used to separate the application layer into two parts: a command layer for modifying data, and a query layer for retrieving data. This can improve the performance and scalability of the application, and make it easier to reason about the behavior of the system.

Books on Hexagonal Architecture

There are several books available on hexagonal architecture, including:

These books provide a more in-depth look at the principles and techniques of hexagonal architecture, and are great resources for developers looking to learn more about this architectural pattern.


Hexagonal architecture is a powerful tool for building flexible and maintainable software applications.

By separating the business logic from the technical details of how it communicates with the outside world, hexagonal architecture makes it easier to modify and extend an application over time.

In a .NET/C# context, tools and frameworks like dependency injection, domain-driven design, and test-driven development can be used to implement hexagonal architecture effectively.

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